Business Term Loans
 Best Business Term Loans: OnDeck


OnDeck is a financial technology company that specializes in online lending for small businesses. OnDeck provides business loans and lines of credit to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through its online platform. The company utilizes technology and data analytics to assess the creditworthiness of businesses quickly, allowing for faster and more efficient loan approvals. OnDeck’s [...]
BHG Financial

BHG Financial

BHG Financial is a financial services company specializing in providing business loans fixed for up to 12 years, to professionals and business owners directly and through its various brands. The lender offers customized financial solutions, including working capital loans, business loans, and startup business loans. BHG aims to streamline the loan process for business owners [...]


SmartBiz is a technology driven, small business financing platform that utilizes a streamlined application process and proprietary software to connect borrowers with a curated groups of banks. SmartBiz offers a specific suite of business loan products, and specializes in SBA 7(a) working capital loans, term loans, and business credit lines up to $500,000. Banks that [...]